Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Heat - Project Onboarding
Project Onboarding gives attendees a chance to meet some of the project team and get to know the project. Attendees will learn about the project itself, the code structure/ overall architecture, etc, and places where contribution is needed. Attendees will also get to know some of the core contributors and other established community members.
Ideally, attendees will know/ have completed the basics of contribution (i.e. irc, gerrit, Launchpad, StoryBoard, Foundation Membership) BEFORE attending the session. All of this can be done through our Contributor Guide[1].

Tuesday, May 22, 1:50pm-2:30pm (8:50pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Tags: Heat OpenStack
OpenInfra Summit Asia Speaker
Rico Lin, OpenStack Cloud Engineer at Vexxhost. Board of Directors for OpenInfra Foundation.Previous Heat PTL and TC member Experienced in OpenStack development (infra and app), Cloud architecture, Container(docker and k8s), community(contribute and event host), and customer tech consults and supports. FULL PROFILE
Technical Lead
Kazunori Shinohara (Kaz) is a technical lead of Cloud Service development team at NTT Communications. Recently he forcus on design and implementation of orchestration services in "Enterprise Cloud" which is a OpenStack based Publc Cloud services. Also he is engaged in OpenStack upstream as a head-dashboard core. FULL PROFILE
Red Hat
As a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee, I am working on building consensus around a common technical direction for OpenStack, with a particular interest in the needs of application developers for a full cloud feature set, not just a better way to launch virtual machines. I am one of the original developers of the Heat project and still a member of the core team. I served as the Heat... FULL PROFILE