Vancouver, BC
May 21-24, 2018

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How to implement FaaS in OpenStack for public cloud

It has never been a better time to be a developer! Thanks to cloud computing, deploying our applications is much easier than it used to be, especially after Function-as-a-Service emerged. Despite the big names such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, etc. how the OpenStack end users(especially public cloud users) can get benefits from FaaS as well?

Qinling, an official OpenStack project which was approved at the end of Queens development cycle, is aiming at providing FaaS for OpenStack. As part of the OpenStack ecosystem, it is tightly integrated with most of the other OpenStack services in order to empower the service users or application developers.

In this presentation, I will revisit the challenges that current FaaS implementations are facing, and how we solved(or partially solved) those issues in Qinling. Most importantly, this topic will also cover how Qinling interacts with other open source community(e.g. Kubernetes, Kata Containers) during its implementation.

What can I expect to learn?

In the presentation, the attendees could expect to learn:

- Challenges during implementing FaaS project
- Possible solutions for those challenges
- How Qinling interacts with other OpenStack services
- How Qinling interacts with Kubernetes

Thursday, May 24, 9:00am-9:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Senior Cloud Computing Engineer
Lingxian is a Senior Cloud Computing Engineer in Catalyst Cloud New Zealand with 8 years of industrial experience designing and developing cloud services based on open source projects. Before joining Catalyst Cloud, he worked at cloud operating system department in Huawei for 4 years, leading a team of OpenStack (an open source cloud computing platform) upstream contributors globally. Lingxian... FULL PROFILE