November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Application Credentials Feedback

One of the main Baremetal/VM sessions at the Queens PTG focused on solidifying the application credentials story. The approach could still benefit from operator feedback, specifically the decisions we arrived at in Denver.

This session will be dedicated to closing the feedback loop between developers and operators on application credentials. The result should be a super clear expectations and vision on the direction for solving one of the largest problems across the Baremetal/VM platform.

Application Credential Summary:


Monday, November 6, 3:10pm-3:50pm (4:10am - 4:50am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
I am a software developer focused on OpenStack's Identity program. I am passionate about open-source software and sharing knowledge. I constantly look for ways to improve the performance and scalability of whatever project I'm work on. When I'm not writing or reviewing code I enjoy cooking and tackling restoration projects with my wife. FULL PROFILE