November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

RBAC/Policy Roadmap Feedback

Members from several teams spent a lot of time in Denver documenting a path forward to improve policy and RBAC across OpenStack. It would be valuable to get operators that weren't at the PTG up-to-speed on what was discussed. This will help us communicate the future roadmap and flush out any remaining issues in the proposal.

Policy Roadmap:

PTG Policy Summary from cmurphy:

PTG Policy Summary from lbragstad:

Wednesday, November 8, 11:00am-11:40am (12:00am - 12:40am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
I am a software developer focused on OpenStack's Identity program. I am passionate about open-source software and sharing knowledge. I constantly look for ways to improve the performance and scalability of whatever project I'm work on. When I'm not writing or reviewing code I enjoy cooking and tackling restoration projects with my wife. FULL PROFILE