November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

ETSI NFV Specs’ Requirements vs OpenStack Reality

5 years ago, ETSI NFV started generating the industry momentum around Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) in telco. To this day, it remains the forum with the broadest representation of telco service providers, vendors, regulators and other stakeholders in that space.

From an implementer’s perspective, however, the vast amount of ETSI NFV specs with their technology-agnostic, formal language can be daunting. One and a half year ago, a small team of valiant souls from within ETSI NFV set out to decode the cloud API specs and document in how far OpenStack meets user requirements expressed in those specs.

We had a great session in Boston where presented an overview of what is done in the gap analyzis, invited users/operators to provide feedback on the results, their priorities from the list, and what else they might see missing. As we were able to cover only a small fractions of the gaps in the first session we believe there is a need to continue the discussion in Sidney also.

What can I expect to learn?

The discovered gaps, the motivation behind the requested functionality and possibly an design alternative to close them .

Tuesday, November 7, 9:00am-9:40am (10:00pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Nokia Solutions and Networks, Senior Open Source Specialist
Working in the telecom industry in the last one and half decade It was possible for me to see the evolution from vendor specific hardware to virtualisation and cloud and a bit beyond. Currently Gergely is part of a team of Nokia CTO which is reponsible for open source and standardisation. In the last year Gergely's was working in the OSF Edge Computing Group on the analyzis of edge use cases... FULL PROFILE