Summit Content

Open Infrastructure Summit

Container Infrastructure | 容器架构
Topics include: Running containers at scale, container ecosystem, container networking, container storage, container security, hybrid VM & container architectures, containers & bare metal


Hands-On Workshops | 实践工坊
Hands-on Workshops offer a window into training for operators and application developers across different projects. Sessions are typically 90 minutes and require an RSVP and some prep work. Bring your laptop and walk away with the skills you need to become an open source contributor.


AI, Machine Learning, HPC | 人工智能、机器学习、高性能计算
Topics include: AI, computation, cluster, economics, exascale, government, GPUs, grid, HPC, HTC, machine learning, New applications for AI running on OpenStack clouds, Novel/Emerging architectures for GPUs/AI, operations at scale, performance, scientific research


Private & Hybrid Cloud | 私有云和混合云
Topics include: architecture, bare metal, economics, hardware, operations, orchestration & hybrid cloud tools, networking, organizational culture & processes, security & compliance, SLAs, storage, upgrades, user experience, vendor selection


Public Cloud | 公有云
Topics include: architecture / hardware, economics, cloud portability, features & needs, federation, hardware, operations / upgrades, multi-tenance, networking, performance, scale, security & compliance, SLAs, storage, open source platforms, tools & SDKs, UI / UX, upgrades, user experience


5G, NFV & Edge | 5G、网络功能虚拟化与边缘计算
Topics include: 5G, cloudlet, distributed computing, economics, Mesh, security, networking, architecture, ease of deployment, edge ecosystem, hardware performance accelerators (e.g. GPUs, ASICs, etc.), hardware profile, IoT, low end-to-end latency, management tools, scaling, edge-enabled applications, physical hardening, QoS, remote/extreme environments, remote troubleshooting, standalone cloudlets, tamper evidence, tamper resistance, VM and container handoff across WAN connections, zero-touch provisioning, QoS, SDN, SLAs, standardization e.g. ETSI NFV

议题包括:5G、微云计算、分布式计算、经济效益、网格、安全、网络、架构、简化部署、边缘计算生态系统、硬件性能加速器(如GPUs, ASICs等)、硬件配置文件、物联网、端到端低延迟、管理工具、扩展、支持边缘的应用、物理强化、远程/极端环境、远程故障排除、独立微云、篡改证据、防篡改技术、跨广域网络连接的虚拟机和容器切换、零接触预配置、QoS、SDN、SLAs、标准化如ETSI NFV行业规范等。

Open Development | 开放式开发
Topics include: the 4 opens, the future of free and open source software, challenges of open collaboration, open development best practices and tools, open source governance models, diversity and inclusion, mentoring and outreach, community management.


Getting Started | 新手入门
Beginner-level track to learn the basics about all open infrastructure-related topics.

CI/CD | 持续集成/持续交付
Topics include: Software development pipeline, automated testing, QA, culture & process, policies & compliance, CI/CD ecosystem, repository architecture, unit vs integration testing, deployment maturity model, gitops


Security | 安全
Topics include: Attestation, authenticity, authorization, data protection, encryption, identification, policy enforcement, privacy, regulatory compliance, risk management, trusted computing, vulnerability tracking/mitigation


The Forum

Forum | 论坛
A place where operators and developers gather to brainstorm the requirements for the next release, gather feedback on the past version and have strategic discussions that go beyond just one release cycle.
