Speaker Details

Olivier Nicol

After completing a Master's degree in software engineering in 2010, I started doing research for a PhD in a very different yet exciting area, Machine Learning. I mainly worked on online learning (bandits) and data driven elavuation of learning algorithms and defended my thesis at the end of 2014.

Although this had been an extraordiany experience, during which I traveled the world, met extraordinary people and had the opportunity to teach (which I love), I then decided to leave the world of fundamental research and join OVH, a french cloud company. I guess I wanted to get my hands dirty again!

Currently thus, I work at OVH as a machine learning scientist. I had always coded in plain Java or sometimes in C and I experimented on data with R or python. I have not forgotten my first loves. I still play around with data using R or python on a daily basis. Yet, two years ago I fell in love with scala and Spark and I tend to use them more and more. For fun I play football, solve a projecteuler problem from time to time, try to help people on stackoverflow or try to reduce the energy consumption of my house with AI...
