Speaker Details

Artem Goncharov
Open Telekom Cloud Architect

Artem Goncharov, an esteemed software developer and architect with over 20 years of experience, brings a wealth of expertise to the discussion. Throughout his career, spanning various roles from integration engineer to cloud and solution architect, he has been a trusty contributor to the telecommunications sector and an active upstream contributor. Embodying the motto "make life easier," Goncharov champions effectiveness and usability in all facets of technology, underscoring his commitment to enhancing the developer experience and advancing the OpenStack ecosystem.

Artem is Cloud Architect in the OpenTelekomCloud, where he is responsible for the OpenStack Ecosystem. Has gathered over 20 years of experience working in different roles from integration engineer to cloud and solution architect primarily in the telecommunications area and as an active upstream contributor. His life motto is "make life easier", what relates to effectivity and usability of everything, what surrounds us.
