Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack Ironic and Bare Metal Infrastructure: All Abstractions Start Somewhere

The history of cloud computing has rapidly layered abstractions on abstractions to deliver applications faster, more reliably, and easier. Serverless functions on top of containers on top of virtualization. However, at the bottom of every stack is physical hardware that has an entire lifecycle that needs to be managed.

OpenStack Ironic is an open, API-driven solution to the problem of managing bare-metal infrastructure. While it is frequently used as a compute driver for cloud infrastructure like Nova, we will demonstrate how a new project is using Ironic as a foundation for declarative management of bare metal infrastructure for Kubernetes.

Monday, April 29, 9:26am-9:38am (3:26pm - 3:38pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Senior Strategic Program Manager
Chris Hoge is a Senior Strategic Program Manager for the OpenStack Foundation. He's been an active contributor to the Interop Working Group (formerly DefCore), and helps run the trademark program for the OpenStack Foundation. He also works on collaborations between the OpenStack and Kubernetes communities. Previously he worked as an OpenStack community manager and developer at Puppet Labs, and... FULL PROFILE
Red Hat, Senior Principal Software Engineer
Julia is not your typical engineer. She started her career in networking and eventually shifted to systems engineering. The DevOps movement lead her into software development and the operationalization of software due to the need to automate large scale systems deployments. She is experienced in conveying an operational perspective while bridging that with requirements, and doesn’t mind... FULL PROFILE