Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Volkswagen Fireside Chat

Lauren Sell interviews Tilman Schulz, a system analyst for Volkswagen AG.

Tuesday, November 13, 9:55am-10:05am (8:55am - 9:05am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Lead Private Cloud Services, VOLKSWAGEN AG
Tilman Schulz studied Mathematics at RWTH Aachen and QMW, University of London. He earned a PhD in Mathematics from RWTH Aachen. He joined VOLKSWAGEN AG for the purpose of a security project in 2002. After this project, he worked as a Unix system engineer. After this, he was responsible for Server Operation for VOLKSWAGEN. In 2016, he assumed responsibility for the OnPremise parts of a larger... FULL PROFILE
Open Infrastructure Foundation, Vice President, Marketing and Community Services
Lauren Sell is the Vice President, Marketing and Community Services for the OpenStack Foundation. She helped launch OpenStack in 2010 and has since focused on building the brand and global community around one of the largest and most successful open source projects to date. She is passionate about the community and has been working closely with OpenStack users, technical contributors and... FULL PROFILE