Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Community Contributor Recognition & How to Get Started

The Community Contributor Awards are about giving thanks to community members that go above and beyond. Kendall Nelson and Doug Hellmann will bring these contributors to the main keynote stage to celebrate their work. Then they will discuss how you can get involved in the contributor community, through the First Contact SIG, OpenStack Upstream Institute, the Diversity and Inclusion working group cohort mentoring program, and internship programs like Outreachy and Google Summer of Code.

Wednesday, November 14, 9:10am-9:15am (8:10am - 8:15am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Senior Upstream Developer Advocate
Kendall is a Senior Upstream Developer Advocate at the Open Infrastructure Foundation based in St. Paul, MN. She first started working on OpenStack during the Liberty release (2015) on a single service, but has since been involved in Release Management, the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, the First Contact SIG, various technical leadership roles and also onboarding activities like... FULL PROFILE
Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Doug Hellmann is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is currently serving on the Release Management and Oslo teams and is the chair of the Technical Committee. He started contributing to OpenStack in 2012, just before the Folsom summit. He has contributed to the Oslo project, is part of the team working on the Python 3 transition, and has contributed to several of the... FULL PROFILE