Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Setting the compass for Manila RWX cloud storage

Let's talk about where the Manila developers think the project is going.  And then calibrate that direction in light of cloud operators' and users' actual needs.

Manila provides file system shares as a service to end users in the classical OpenStack multi-tenant model.

Equally, it provides a stable programming interface for cloud applications.  Since the API is presented over the network, and since file shares are provided over the network without hypervisor intervention, Manila is well positioned to serve applications and platforms beyond just OpenStack compute instances.

See https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/manila-berlin for a list of current developer work items.

Add your thoughts in the etherpad and better yet come to this Forum session to let us know your priorities and to help influence the direction of this project going forwards.

What can I expect to learn?

Operators will learn what the Manila developers are working on, how they are framing problems, and how to influence the project going forwards.   They will also learn solutions, use cases, and problems from one another.

Developers will get real use cases, problems, pain points from operators and candid feedback on their pet projects and features.

Thursday, November 15, 9:50am-10:30am (8:50am - 9:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Red Hat
Tom serves as PTL for the OpenStack Manila project and works for Red Hat as a principal software engineer. Besides working to maintain the health and vitality of the Manila project, Tom has a passion for production quality open source storage back ends like CephFS and for using Manila as general purpose cloud infrastructure to serve more than just Nova compute instances. Tom started late in the... FULL PROFILE