Event Details

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Expose SIGs and WGs

Moderators: Rico Lin, Tobias Rydberg

There are some started discussion in ML http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-sigs/2018-August/000453.html , In PTG sessions http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-September/134689.html .

The basic concept for this is to allow users/ops get a single window for important scenario/user cases or issues into traceable tasks in single story/place and ask developers be responsible (by changing the mission of government policy) to co-work on that task. SIGs/WGs are so desired to get feedbacks or use cases, so as for project teams (not gonna speak for all projects/SIGs/WGs but we like to collect for more idea for sure). And project teams got a central place to develop for specific user requirements, or give document for more general OpenStack information. So would like to have more discussion on how can we reach the goal by actions? How can we change in TC, UC, Projects, SIGs, WGs's policy to bridge up from user/ops to developers.

What can I expect to learn?

We have some nice WGs/SIGs like public cloud WG who keep trying to collect user requirement, but we kind of lack of a bridge or tool to help users/ops to reach developers or trace development tasks.

On another hand, we need a place to gather useful and general information that user/ops can be confident about when trying on OpenStack features. Like we got multiple ways to do exactly the same thing. Which is great, but will definitely helpful when we got more general information for users/ops to know under what scenario will which group of services make the most sense to their usecases. And will definitely a better place to put this information under SIGs/WGs's domain instead of in each project.

It's important to figure out the best tools, guidelines, or other information to generate actions to help with this goal.

Wednesday, November 14, 11:50am-12:30pm (10:50am - 11:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Cloud OpenStack Engineer
Rico Lin, OpenStack Cloud Engineer at Vexxhost. Board of Directors for OpenInfra Foundation.Previous Heat PTL and TC member Experienced in OpenStack development (infra and app), Cloud architecture, Container(docker and k8s), community(contribute and event host), and customer tech consults and supports. FULL PROFILE
Cleura AB
Senior software developer at the OpenStack based public cloud City Network, based in Sweden but with locations around the globe. More than 10 years of industry experience. Tobias main focus is developing City Networks cloud management platform - used for all our OpenStack installations - and other cool complementary features. Also spending some good time maintaining our installations. Big fan... FULL PROFILE