November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenLab SDK Initiative

OpenLab is an effort to pool resources for the things you build on top of OpenStack. One of the key needs for such things are solid SDKs and continuing improvement of their interaction with APIs. OpenLab has started the discussions and PoC work to bring this to fruition and this session will be an opportunity to continue to move forward. Increasing the stability, reliability, functioning, and development of SDKs will ensure tools like Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, Terraform, Bosh, etc are easily integrated and used within the entire OpenStack ecosystem. Join us to discuss phase one of OpenLab and where we go from here.

Monday, November 6, 5:10pm-5:50pm (6:10am - 6:50am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Open Source Community Operations Manager, Huawei
Melvin Hillsman is a Senior SRE at Red Hat working on the Operator Enablement team. Prior to joining Red Hat he worked closely with members of the Kubernetes, OpenStack, CNCF, CloudFoundry, and OPNFV communities for integration and validation of cloud ecosystem tooling and support of hybrid and multi-cloud validation. As a member of the Operator Enablement team Melvin assists ISVs, Red Hat... FULL PROFILE