November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Sprint and the Open Telco Transformation

Its no secret that modern telco networks carry extraordinary amounts of data traffic.  Less well known is that each device, application, network function, and web session generates massive amounts of telemetry data that can and should be used by OSS/BSS, Security, IoT, and analytics applications to manage, protect, and monetize the telco network. 


What can I expect to learn?

In this session, you will learn how OpenStack acts as the foundation for the “Open Telco” model, supporting three pivotal open source platforms that together enable telcos to surf the data tsunami rather than being engulfed by it.  

  • Modern, Open Network Infrastructure Platform (NFVi) brings cloud-scale efficiency to network operations
  • Modern, Open Application Platform supports DevOps, containers, and web-native application development
  • Modern, Open Data Management platform efficiently collects, transforms, stores, and distributes data to the applications that consume the data 

You will also hear how Sprint is progressing in its own transformation toward this Open Telco model. 

Wednesday, November 8, 1:50pm-2:30pm (2:50am - 3:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Vice President of IT Applications and Operations, Sprint
John Felton is the vice president of IT enterprise services at Sprint. After joining Sprint in 1997, Felton designed and deployed the “One Sprint” messaging and security platform. By 2003, he was responsible for overall asset/cost containment and tracking for the entire enterprise and received 4 patents for the associated work. Felton was the overall lead for operation consolidation... FULL PROFILE
AVP, Open Telco Strategies
Mike has been involved with leading-edge technologies for more than 30 years, mostly in consultative roles within the telecommunications industry.    Mike’s passion throughout his career has for been maximizing business value from the creative application of emerging technologies. Mike has helped create Red Hat’s Open Telco model, which involves the transformation of... FULL PROFILE