November 6-8, 2017

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Carrier-grade SDN based OpenStack Networking Solution

In most of the 5G use cases such as autonomous driving and massive IoT device networks, network slicing is a key concept in 5G infrastructure, and network virtualization is a key component for the end to end network slicing in particular. 

In the last OpenStack Summit 2017 Boston, we SKT has announced that we released TACO (T-All Container OpenStack) for our 5G Infrastructure. Also we have been developing SDN based network virtualization solution (SONA) for TACO. SONA uses VxLAN to provide fully independent virtual networks to 5G services and supports multiple gateways to provide multiple paths to gateways for its performance. Also, SONA supports containers created by either Docker Swarm or Kubernetes and allow communication among containers and VMs, by controlling their flows using an SDN controller. The connections among containers and VMs are essential to 5G infrastructure  where some of VNFs have micro-service architecture utilizing containers to improve its agility.

What can I expect to learn?

In this talk, we will describe SK Telecom’s overall architecture of 5G infrastructure, which is called ATSCALE and COSMOS and how efficiently OpenStack and its virtual network solution SONA (Simple Overlay Networking Architecture) support the key requirements of the 5G infrastructure, in particular the network slicing, which is the key component of 5G services.

We will show the architecture and design principles of SONA and its use cases in our 5G network infrastructure. In particular, we will describe how SONA effectively handles communication among VMs controlled by OpenStack and containers created by Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

We finally show the vision towards to SONA (Self Operating Network Architecture), which will be another key feature of our 5G network infrastructure.

Wednesday, November 8, 11:50am-12:30pm (12:50am - 1:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
He received B.S from Korea University and received his master’s degree and Ph.D in Computer Science from Columbia University. He is leading SDN projects at NIC Research Lab in SK Telecom, and he is a borad member of ONOS and CORD open source projects. Prior to join SK Telecom, he worked at LG for three years and Software R&D Center in Samsung for six years as a senior researcher. He... FULL PROFILE
Daniel Park received B.S and his master's degree in 2009 from POSTECH, South Korea. There he studied on OFMDA-based communication system.He worked at SKTelecom for ten years as a researcher, in the area of LTE core network, SDN and OpenStack. His interests are SDN and OpenStack based innovation of Mobile Network. He is currently very actively working with SONA project, which is the ONOS-based... FULL PROFILE