Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Speaker Profile

Nathaniel McCallum Back to Speakers Bureau

Date Joined: July 14, 2017
Country: United States
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Registered for Upcoming Summit: No
Statement of Interest

Areas Of Expertise
  • Security
  • Identity
  • Cryptography




Nathaniel McCallum is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat where he develops security related technologies.

If you're looking for someone to blame for software projects such as FreeOTP, José, Clevis and Tang, Nathaniel is the guy. He also regularly breaks projects such as FreeIPA and MIT Kerberos with his "contributions." Not satisfied with unleashing poor software on the world, he works on dismantling the Internet via new IETF Internet Drafts and dabbling in cryptography. Outside the office, he tries to corrupt the minds of today's youth through philosophy. His legacy of destruction is all but ensured due to his five children. Also, his wife tolerates him.

Additional presentations:

Willing to present via video conference: Yes
Willing to travel to any country: Yes
Fluent in
  • English

Contact Nathaniel