Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


Mariam Kiran

Date Joined
July 26, 2015

Statement of Interest

Research in building reliable clouds for multiple complex software problems


Software Engineer and researcher in Cloud computing

I am interested in optimisation of data intensive software (such as complex simulations) to run them on clouds. I work with multidisciplinary teams as am inetrested in the software engineering part of this to build applications easy to use.

  • *independent user - Unaffiliated - From 2015-07-02 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Nova,Swift,Glance,Keystone,Horizon,Quantum,Cinder,Ceilometer,Heat,Trove,Ironic,Queue,DataProcessing,Oslo,Openstack-ci,Openstack-manuals,QA,Deployment,DevStack,Release

Speaker Profile: