Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


Geetika Batra

Date Joined
February 09, 2015



Statement of Interest

I would like to contribute to OpenStack and help them make world a better place.


I am a final year student and an OPW intern at OpenStack working on  the project Glance. My responsibility is to create Tasks Scrubber. My interests basically involve programming.I am a curious girl and try to learn new things all the time.I love to stay attuned to Open Source as it is one such platform where you can learn endlessly.I have been practicing programming for a while.My skills incllude C# and .NET technologies.I have been accepted as a scholar at LEARN IT GIRL,a Anita Borg Institute Scholar's initiative to help girls in computing.Under their guidance,I have successfully completed an ASP.NET MVC application.My github ID is [Geetika Batra]( .


  • Unaffiliated - From 2011-09-01 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Glance,DevStack

OpenStack Summit Presentations

Speaker Profile: