Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


David Moreau-Simard

Date Joined
October 16, 2013



Statement of Interest

User, developer, packager and operator of OpenStack


David is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat.

His efforts are focused around the tooling and infrastructure required to develop, build, package, test and distribute RDO: a community OpenStack distribution for Red Hat based operating systems.
He is also a core contributor and system administrator for the OpenStack CI and hosting infrastructure.

His work to help the OpenStack community notably lead to the creation of ARA: Ansible Run Analysis, a popular tool that provides intuitive reporting to Ansible and Zuul users.

Previously, he was at iWeb and Internap, a server and datacenter infrastructure provider where he held various technical and leadership roles in the span of a decade. In the last years, his focus was around deploying and operating a highly available multi-region OpenStack public cloud in different datacenters around the world.

You can see what David is up to by following his blog at or "dmsimard" on Twitter, Github and IRC.

  • Red Hat - From 2015-09-01 (Current)
  • iWeb | Internap - From 2006-12-26 To 2015-08-21

OpenStack Summit Presentations
Vancouver, BC
  • Infra - Project Onboarding
  • Productizing Open Source Through CI
  • Ansible Community Meetup

Speaker Profile: