Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Götz Philip Brasche

Date Joined
February 19, 2015

Statement of Interest

OpenStack Architecture and Feature Evolution and Industry Adoption


Huawei’s European Research Centre (ERC) in Munich is responsible for advanced technical research, architecture evolution design and strategic technical planning. The Enterprise BG (Business Group) focuses on enterprise products and solutions. I am responsible for guiding the R&D agenda and acquisition & execution of joint innovation projects in Europe with potential customers, industrial partners and academia with focus on future technologies and solutions related to cloud computing and cloud based data centers.


A multi-talented, dynamic manager of the European Research
Center of a world-leading ICT company with comprehensive managerial skills and strong entrepreneurial spirit.

Solid expertise in development, management and turnaround
of business units with proven track record. Wide experience of
strategic planning, innovation management, and R&D processes with a particular focus on technology incubation and transfer.Extensive knowledge of the ICT-industry and its core application domains. Excellent contact network at senior level.

Visionary, assertive leader with high emotional intelligence. Strong networker and team builder with a pronounced will for continuous education and passion for customer-oriented innovation.

Specialties: Embedded ystems, Cloud Computing, Cyper-Physical Systems, Innovation Management

  • Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH - From 2013-12-01 (Current)